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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Does he love me? If only you could tell! Part 1

Well well well. If only I had a penny for every time I heard this question. Does he love me? It sounds like a cliche but it still very much relevant as the story of love itself.

Sometimes its a high school or college/university crush, you finally go on a date (somehow). One date turns to several dates and no commitment.  Just dates.

Another goes on a nice evening out with mates and then... a one night stand. You get a call/text from him to say the previous night was 'awesome'. You get your hopes up and then keep in touch. A number of flings more and you are back where you started. No commitment. Sound familiar?  Well am sure it does. Nothing bad in being in love. The dilemma is to be loved and loved in return. Unfortunately we don't have a choice in whom we are attracted to. However we DO have a choice how we react to to that attraction!

How we react to whom we are attracted to makes all the difference. It determines if the attraction would lead to something more. It determines if we get hurt or not assuming our expectations are not met. Every situation in life can be much better depending on our reactions to the issues. Come with me...

Ok. This is it. When a guy is into you, you would not need a psychic to tell. It has nothing with what he says about you on facebook, if he tags  you on Instagram or hashtags you on twitter.  It is quite sad to be honest that we now judge how much we are valued by how much presence we have with our 'crush'/partner/ prospective partner on social media!

How did we ever survive on planet earth prior to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, (anymore I am not aware of?).

Now, how can you tell if he is into you. That's the question. Well the answer is simple.

Firstly let's establish that this person whose attention you seek is not extremely shy and have some social issues of his own otherwise we might just be 'flogging a dead horse'.  This will mean it had nothing to do with you all along and you had worried unnecessarily.

If this is not the case then, listen. After the dates, flings and one night stands and contrary to your expectations, there was nothing more to it. Sad as it may sound, but chances are he may not be interested in taking it further. It might just be what it is. Flings. A dangerous position to be in is to be in love and a relationship with someone who is not even aware he is in one! How? Carrying on like you are already in a relationship when he hasn't committed to such. Avoid. Not good.

Its HARD to 'take things slow' when the first rush of emotions sets in. Infatuations set in. For the first few dates and contact, it's in your interest to maintain a SLOW pace emotionally regardless of how you feel. To be continued...

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