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Monday, November 24, 2014

Not just Marriage: its free counselling and therapy

Just to clear the air. this is not a marriage blog!!! No its not. Seriously. Well I know I have written on it on a three part posts but then. I am aware that it could be a little bit too much on one thing.

Sadly there's one more (and final) part then we can conclude on that story. I am positive that it would help someone out or again, it may mirror someone's experience.

So if you are just visiting and seen a couple or more marriage counselling epistles. 'Be thou not perturbed'. :) There is a method to the madness. i just wanted to share that (before its forgotten and like i said, someone might be helped from it).

This blog is for anything love. Relationships. Dating woes. Life Issues. The sorts. Forum for sharing and receiving. Filling that emotional void by getting a listening ear and a therapy for our issues.

Need therapy? counselling? marriage advice? agony aunt rants? love triangle? Yes! Voice it. Moan. Nag. we are here to listen!

Email. Comment. Tweet. Whatever medium you choose. let it all out. we are here to share and provide solutions (a much as we can).  I promise I will blog it and provide detailed answers (with your permission of course).

Don't hesitate. Don't be shy. You can be as anonymous as you want. You would still get your answers. Remember, it may not be yourself alone who gets this help, your story or issue might inspire another. Think.

Real life stories and experiences would make this worthwhile. I cannot write epistles on hypothesis or theories when we cannot apply it to our daily life situations.  Less idealism and more realism.

So I invite you to share your thoughts and issues. Peace.

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